Ever since I was a child, I've dreamt of having a dog by my side. Whether it was playing with my friends' dog or spending time at the local shelter, I've always been drawn to their unconditional love and loyalty.
As I've grown older, I've come to understand that while our canine companions offer endless love, they also thrive on structure and guidance. This doesn't mean they can't have fun, but it's important to establish clear rules and expectations.
Through years of experience working with dogs at shelters, playing with military canines, and interacting with countless neighborhood pups, I've gained valuable insights into canine behavior. Today, I'm excited to share these insights with you and help you on your journey towards a happier, more well-behaved dog.
Here are five things to add into your daily routine to help your dog excel in life and have better obedience:
Effective communication is crucial in building a strong bond with your dog and fostering good behavior. It all starts with engagement, which means getting your dog's attention and focus on you rather than their surroundings.
Establishing a reward system Building on the foundation of engagement and communication, this step focuses on creating a positive reinforcement system to encourage desired behaviors. Using clear markers like "yes" or a clicker, followed by immediate rewards like treats or praise, effectively communicates what you expect from your dog. This not only motivates them to learn but also strengthens your bond through positive interaction. Remember, consistency is key! Opt for short, daily training sessions to keep your dog engaged and receptive.
One of the biggest misconceptions about socializing is that everyone needs to pet your dog or that every dog needs to come up and say hi to your dog. Nothing could be further from the truth. Proper socialization means that people or dogs should be in the vicinity but not necessarily directly touching your dog. Sometimes, especially with young puppies, you need to advocate for your dog and prioritize their well-being over the satisfaction of the people around you.
Which brings up my next step problem-solving, problem-solving isn't necessarily correcting or focusing on the negative problem-solving could be a mental state for your dog a mental game. Challenging your dog to us his nose his touch his senses is one of the best days you can teach a dog it gets some comfortable in any environment and also it teaches them to work through. Things are not because not every area is controlled and that's where you see dogs become uncontrolled or overstimulated for these reasons which brings out stress and an unbalanced dog.
Last but not least, let's talk about how agility can positively affect your dog's life. Every dog needs an outing to loosen up. Just taking a walk up the street or allowing them to roam in the backyard is not enough to exhaust them physically or mentally. Therefore, you must provide your dog with an outlet by playing games, chasing a ball, and asking them to follow commands. When you train or play with your dog, make sure to use your time wisely. Break your training sessions into at least 15-minute intervals and focus on one thing at a time. If you're not sure what to train your dog on, keep it fun and simple. You'll see a much-improved dog with consistent and positive training.